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The escape party led by Adm Chan Chak arrive in Kukong (Shaoguan) 6th January 1942

Adm Chan Chak arriving in Kukong (Shaoguan 6th January 1942  
Photos from the Hide collection ©

L/S Les Barker: "3.30 arrived at Shaoguan (Kukong) and were met by City Officials and soldiers and girl guides who ran up to us and pinned flowers and emblems on our lapels to the noise of fire crackers and banners across the street which read ‘Welcome to Admiral Chen and the Hong Kong Defenders."[24]


Ted Ross MoI: "After two days we arrived in Shiukwan (pronounced Shoo-gwan), quite a large Chinese town, and the first we had struck that had telephones and electric lights, although both were uncertain in the extreme.
We were met a few miles out of the city by the governor, the mayor, and several generals. There were troops drawn up taking the salute, and a line of boy scouts and girl guides and small girls dashing around pinning rosettes on us."


Research and web publication by Buddy Hide Jnr ©

The contents of this web site led to a considerable number of escapee families contacting me and now each other, and remains the principle source of contact and private information for the spin off projects that have followed. The personal accounts enabled me to record the complete and true account of this remarkable episode of Sino-British war time co-operation. The information compiled here has directly resulted in a museum exhibition in Hong Kong, a re-enactment of the escape in Hong Kong and China, with a movie drama and documentary in the making.

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